Samira Ingold Illustrations
Go deep into the beautiful world of Samira Ingold illustrations

A New Nature
by Mark Dorf
"A New Nature" contemplates the future of what is commonly referred to in Western culture as Nature through scenes that are both cautionary and celebratory. The works in A New Nature do not depict a future that is a return to the pastoral and bucolic landscape, but neither is it a future of doom and gloom. Instead, these works reveal environments that are augmented with technology, for better or worse, and that are full of mystery suggesting and normalizing images of a strange hybrid, and at times abject, planetary system of technology-organisms.
These new works are derived from a longer form video installation A New Nature are debuting at the end of the month at @museumgestaltung with @daz_digitalartzurich
⚭ Nature is just a word that is assigned to a place over there. Theres nothing over there that is not over here
✧ Tell me what you see. It slips just out of reach with the very act of grasping it.
☉ Breathe life into this world. There is nothing new here, we have all been here forever.
Zurich-base Marcus Kraft studio is celebrating its 10th anniversary of delivering top-notch graphic design projects with the bigger picture in mind, great attention to detail, and typographic quality. They strongly believe that design should be more than ‹just› beautiful and aesthetic. The following ten principles* build the foundation for Marcus Kraft work and available as a Manifesto
Clio Newton’s approach to her compositions comes from the standpoint of the “female gaze” reflecting her interest in contemporary models of femininity and the representation of women in art and culture. Newton’s renderings in compressed charcoal feature larger-than-life, figurative subjects - often solo sitters - who fill the picture plane and beyond. Her works are remarkably realistic compositions informed by bold choices and her interest in the uncanny.
"Xavier Monney is the 23-year-old designer from Lausanne, Switzerland whose work caught our eye due to his refreshing but incredibly impressive manipulations of type. Xavier combines animation and typography to create three-dimensional experiments, often incorporating some form of optical illusion."
An emotional homage to Switzerland, nature, music and life in all its facets.
Auditory perception is triggered by tonal phenomenon, such as language and music. These stimuli are the gateway to recent and distant memories of all kinds, the sequences of pleasant and often unpleasant experiences that shape and accompany us throughout our lives. They are part of us and make us who we are today.
Jost Wildbolz
Kriss Delaye
Anthony Vuignier
Written & Directed by Fabian Weber
Voice: Lisa Ambjörn
Director of Photography: Fabian Weber
Location Sound: Kurt Human
Gaffer: Roman Brändli, Simon Wyss
Cineflex: SamCam
Decoration: Marlise Isler
Editor: Glenn Breda, Fabian Weber
Colorist: Jürgen Kupka
Sound Design: Denis Elmaci
Assistents: Nora Nussbaumer, Robert Kopecky, Christian Mathis
Motion Design: Beat Hösli
Music: Nils Frahm (Erased Tapes), Olafur Arnalds (KobaltMusic, Universal), Jonathan Sigsworth
Fabian Weber was born in 1984 in Switzerland. He is a Director & Photographer who started his own business in 2011. His work is defined by a sharp and graphical focus, always showing a different angle and presenting objects in a new light. At the same time he has an emotional and humane approach to his films, giving them an almost physical presence that leave the viewer with a new level of perception.
He was born on the 3rd of October 1977, and grew up in Sempach, Switzerland. In 1990, at the age of 13, he started his career with he foundation of Mix Pictures, an organisation for short film productions and cultural events. After a typography apprenticeship near Lucerne [1994-1998] he began an apprenticeship in graphic design at the studio of Niklaus Troxler in Willisau [1998-2002]. Then Erich moved to Germany where he did an internship at MetaDesign Berlin. Back in Lucerne he founded his own graphic design studio Mixer. Since 2007 he’s a member of the Alliance Graphique Internationale [AGI]. 2009 he was co-founder of the poster festival Weltformat in Lucerne and started the regular exchange meeting for graphic designers called Show & Tell in 2012.
Beside neat posters with sharp Swiss grids and clean typography that we reviewed last year, Studio Feixen noted for their interactive events micro-sites.
“For us it was clear that we wanted to design something that stretches the borders of what you usually see these days. We think there’s a lot to do in the area of interaction, animation and graphic design. And especially when it comes to moving typography.”
The latest one done for Oto Nové Swiss - a three day festival at London’s Cafe Oto, you can watch recorded interactions above and below or enjoy it on
Studio Feixen is an independent Design Studio based in Lucerne, Switzerland that creates visual concepts.
“We focus specifically on nothing in particular. Whether it’s graphic design, interior design, fashion design, type design or animation – as long as it challenges us – we are interested.”
Emphase is a graphic design agency based in Lausanne, Switzerland. Since 2010, the two founders Fabienne Kilchör and Sébastien Fasel with their team are developing a wide range of visual communication solutions. Below we select few projects made by them
“As of the most convenient mediums to capture reality, photography sometimes moves a step beyond it and takes us on a journey to the unknown. Ilka Kramer does just that, creating unearthly scenes that question our perception of landscapes.”
“In a time where we lose direct contact with nature, we accede to it only by the view.”
All images © Ilka Kramer
Check out this beautiful project by internationally renowned Swiss artist Ugo Rondinone’s titled ‘Seven Magic Mountains’. This project is a large-scale site-specific public art installation located near Jean Dry Lake and Interstate 15, approximately ten miles south of Las Vegas, Nevada
"Enters Punkt’s latest product, the ‘MP 01’, which hopes to offer conscious consumers an alternative to the relentless smartphone way of life. Due to be released in September, it is a mobile phone in the simplest sense of the term, with an irresistibly compact and refined design imagined by Punkt’s artistic director, Jasper Morrison. Think basic telephony, SMS and contact capabilities, and little else. No internet, no touchscreen, no camera, no frills.
Read more on Wallpaper*
Swiss architect Laurent Savioz of Savioz Fabrizzi Architects has transformed an existing structure in the fields of Ayent, Switzerland into a holiday house for his family. Read more on Yatzer
Savioz House by Savioz Fabrizzi Architects. Photos © Thomas Jantscher.
Our friends and sponsors Depositphotos launched a brand new blog "Bird" dedicated to the world of Photography. They asked us to come across their latest content presented both on Russian and English and select the interesting portfolio for our readers. Welcome Joakim Cortis & Adrian Sonderegger. Joakim was born in Aachen, Germany, Adrian is from Bülach, Switzerland. Both graduated from Zurich University of the Arts.
We both make our living through photography; we do commission works, but two years ago we decided to do something for our own pleasure. The “Icons” project started with Andreas Gursky’s photograph “Rhein II” that was at that moment the most expensive photograph in the world. Initially, we had an idea to recreate only the most expensive photographs. Then we realized that it is too difficult – it is too much hard work trying to recreate a human from a picture by Cindy Sherman or Jeff Wall, for example. Besides, the choice of simpler images is not so big.
Beautiful illusions made by Swiss artist Renate Buser using huge printouts, check his gallery on
"When looking at Swiss painter Conrad Jon Godly’s mountainous paintings, it takes a moment to truly appreciate the incredible skill behind what seems to be such an effortless application of paint. Up close the landscapes appear to be a thick, almost random mix of blue, white and black, the result oils mixed with turpentine to create a thick impasto that Godly often leaves dripping from the canvas. Take a few steps back and miraculously you might as well be looking at a photograph of the Swiss Alps. It’s a visual trick that the artist has perfected in both small and large-scale paintings over the last few years." via Colossal
Lithuanian-born, Switzerland-based photographer Gus Petro took a trip to America in 2012, in search of something new, and made two contrasting stops—the Grand Canyon and New York City—that has inspired his three-part series known as Empty, Dense, Merge. The most interesting and final installment of the three, Merge, combines the vast bleakness of the Grand Canyon with the bustling density of New York City. via