FlyKly Smart Wheel

In 2011 Niko Klansek introduced the first line of the FlyKly electric bicycles to the USA market. After the first experience with the electric bicycles he realized the many possibilities of how to innovate on the e-bike field. The time was ideal to finally actualize the idea he had for years on how to upgrade the ordinary bicycle with a motor and turn it into a pedal assist. Niko sketched the rough concept and started working with a team of engineers, designers, software developers and bicycle culture researchers and created the first working prototype in early 2013.With their new FlyKly Smart Wheel the process is simple. Just buy the appropriate size, remove your rear wheel and replace it with the FlyKly Smart Wheel. As you begin to pedal, the motor is activated and begins accelerating to your desired speed (the motor also stops when you stop pedalling). This allows you to ride your bike effortlessly; you’re travelling faster, saving you not only time - but energy too.














Thanks to Yatzer

Russian Art get Simpsonised by BHSAD Students

If you have a good sense of humour and a perfect visual memory than we got something for you. Moscow based High School of Art and Design (BHSAD) has a dozen of "kickass" tutors like Dmitry Karpov that squeeze students brain till the last drop of creativity. Physically and mentally. This time students got a brief to make a satire on famous Russian Art masterpieces. So, voila, Russian Art got Simpsonised what can be seen as a metaphor to current political situation. But truth is in eyes of beholder, so don't get it wrong - just smile :)

P.s. You might remember our collaboration with Dmitry's student at BHSAD

1. Let's start with Petrov-Vodkin simpsonised by Evgenia Chur Petrov-Vodkin by Eugenia Chur

2. Alexander Andreeyvich Ivanov meets Maria Galukha to get simpsonised Alexander Ivanov vs Maria Galukha

3. Ivan Kramskoj simpsonised by Egor Abaturov Ivan Kramskoj vs Egor Abaturov

4. Viktor Vasnecov vs Anton Chalov bhsad-karpov-simpsonised-5

5. Viktor Vasnecov vs Katya Kovalenko bhsad-karpov-simpsonised-6

6. Pavel Fedotov vs Alexey Golovanov bhsad-karpov-simpsonised-7

7. Pavel Fedotov vs. Elena Khoroshiltseva bhsad-karpov-simpsonised-8

8. Kazimir Malevich vs. Misha Golev bhsad-karpov-simpsonised-9

9. Mikhail Vrubel vs. Misha Golev bhsad-karpov-simpsonised-10

11. Fedor Pavlovich Reshetnikov vs Alexander R bhsad-karpov-simpsonised-11

12. Fedor Pavlovich Reshetnikov (same as previous) vs. Azamat Ivanov bhsad-karpov-simpsonised-12

13. Vasilii Vladimirovich Pukirev vs Andrey Kolmakov bhsad-karpov-simpsonised-13

14. Ivan Bilibin vs Vladislav Poliakov


BSHAD tutor Dmitry Karpov also shared other untagged works, please be patient we will find the authors of Simpsonisation asap:

Viktor Vasnecov

Vasilii Perov

Vasilii Perov

Valentin Serov

Alexander Deyneka

Designcollector Magazine Issue 3!

IT'S HERE! To celebrate 10 Years of Designcollector Network we set up the poster contest "The Digital Decade" earlier this year. The winners got their prizes and 15 finalists exhibited at OFFF2013 in Barcelona. Now it is time to show all the participants under one cover. New DCMAG#3 features all works from "The Digital Decade" as well as 94 pages of awesome content including huge interviews with top professionals of graphic design. Get your hardcopy to reveal also a dozen of Russian Illustrators you hardly heard about and go deep to the Visual Overdose right from the pages of brand new Designcollector Magazine or simply DCMAG!

Order 94-pages DCMAG 3 from

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Order 94-pages DCMAG 3 from

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Tour Paris 13

If you are lucky to be in Paris these days please visit "Tour Paris 13" project in the 13th arrondissement, 5 rue Fulton. Originally a tower in 13th arrd of Paris slated for demolition in late 2013 and Gallery Itinerrance that has promoted Street Art artists for many years. "Paris 13 Tower" is the largest group street art exhibition ever carried out, with over 4500m2 of ground space and 9 floors with 36 apartments. You can visit the tower only till October 31. On November 1, the "Paris 13 Tower" will be physically closed to the public. Till November 11 everyone can access the website and click on artworks they want to save "digitally" click by click, pixel by pixel. After the deadline the digital presence of the artworks will exists only in visitor-saved mode and the building will be completely demolished.Given the urgent and ephemeral nature of street art, the project will survived at the end only through your actions.

















Calligraphy by Evgeny Tkhorzhevsky

While watching Evgeny's latest calligraphy video my brain was pulsating with "It is impossible" warning messages. Lettering is still the most impressive handcrafted state of art we are able to enjoy in 21 century. Ink pens and precious hand's movements will leave your mouth agape till the last dot in Evgeny Tkhorzhevsky portfolio.









Mago Dovjenko

Mago Dovjenko, russian born artist, self-taught, began at an early age. He now lives in Germany, working as an illustrator, graphic designer and art director for more than 6 years. Almost abstract forms allied with a fluid style, gives a organic and psychedelic touch to his compositions. The use of vibrant colors and high contrast combined with a great wealth of detail, creating complex compositions gives strength and personality to his works. His irregular bold typography is another strong characteristic and present in most of his works.

Being a prominent figure in Germany’s Design Industry, Highlights of his Career include him being invited twice to Germany’s top late-night talkshows including TV Total on Pro7 and Stern TV on RTL. Beside that, numorous other TV appearances at Talk Shows and Documentations.









Designcollector is happy to support Aurora Fashion Week Russia Spring-Summer 2014 that is taking place in Saint-Petersburg. Designers from Russia, Ukrain, France, Nederland and Estonia will present brand-new collections. Runway shows are taking place inside Russian Academy of Arts making a juxtaposition between the beauty of the last and the future. The list of famous fashion brands presented at AFWR SS14:

Ianis Chamalidy (Russia), Lilia Kisselenko (Russia), Leonid Alexeev (Russia), Andreeva (Ukrain), Clarisse Hieraix (France), Spijkers en Spijkers (Nederland)

for mailing


Международная Неделя моды в Петербурге AURORA FASHION WEEK Russia Spring-Summer 2014 пройдет с 17 по 20 октября 2013. Подиумная программа Недели пройдет в Музее Российской Академии Художеств. Показы традиционно состоятся в Рафаэлевском и Тициановском залах, а презентации - в Голубом зале, где дизайнеры смогут представить свои коллекции в формате инсталляций и перформансов.

Одним из основных направлений развития AURORA FASHION WEEK Russia является скаутинг талантов и поддержка молодых дизайнеров, совершающих первые шаги на большой сцене. Так, в программе Недели моды ожидаются показы таких дизайнеров, как Aleksandr Khrisanfov (Россия), lidia.demidova (Санкт-Петербург, Россия), Liza Odinokikh (Санкт-Петербург, Россия), Za-Za (Санкт-Петербург, Россия) – все они дебютировали в предыдущих сезонах AFWR, а среди новых имен будут презентованы бренды Cap America (Россия), Milla Berillo (Санкт-Петербург, Россия), Nanthalat (Франция), Nytka (Франция), OliaMarcovich (Санкт-Петербург, Россия), Ksenia Schnaider (Украина), LMA presents: Artem Shumov (Санкт-Петербург, Россия).

А также будут представлены звезды фэшн индустрии: Ianis Chamalidy (Санкт-Петербург, Россия), Lilia Kisselenko (Санкт-Петербург, Россия), Leonid Alexeev (Санкт-Петербург, Россия), Andreeva (Украина), Clarisse Hieraix (Франция), Spijkers en Spijkers (Нидерланды) в рамках года Голландии-России 2013.

AURORA FASHION WEEK Russia сотрудничает с Неделями моды по всему миру и продолжает знакомить с новыми для России брендами. Так, в этом сезоне в рамках партнерской программы с Tallinn Fashion Week будут представлены коллекции дизайнеров Aldo Järvsoo и Tanel Veenre (Эстония).

Designcollector в лице Анны Неклеса подготовит для Вас эксклюзивный репортаж и взгляд на AFWR изнутри.

Experimental Art of Chad Wys

”My artwork is also, at its core, an experimentation in composition, color, and form,” says Wys. “Through a variety of mixed media I have chosen as my inspiration a color palette that is at times complimentary and at other times purposfully contradictory, or seemingly destructive. The literal destruction of an object is secondary, in my mind, to the overall effect created by color (dis)harmony and the overall aesthetic-emotional experience of the reclaimed and reinvented object. I openly play with the allure of foreign and aggressive new colors and forms, inviting them into otherwise familiar and traditional settings. Barriers and obstacles are thereby erected between the viewer and the object through which one must negotiate an understanding of what is both present and hidden. What does the creation of new meaning tell us about old meanings, or meaning in general?”










Filmteractive 2013: Russian Motion Design

Have you ever wondered how things are on Russian Motion Design scene? Alex Frukta with a support from Designcollector's editor Arseny Vesnin prepared a huge showreel that will blow up your mind and you will set a new record in watching video without breathing.

The Russian Motion Design reel was prepared for the FILMTERACTIVE Festival that happens on 25-26 of September 2013 in Lodz, Poland. Arseny Vesnin from Designcollector is going to speak about the hidden power of Russian artists and help to raise the bar of their recognition outside Russia.

Filmteractive 2013

I am going to hit the Poland ground this week to present Russian motion designers for international audience of Filmteractive conference and festival. The presentation "Russian Motion Design" is prepared by Arseny Vesnin and the showreel is compiled by Alex Frukta and will be available on his Behance portfolio this week and we also will announce it online this Thursday. The blog is not going to be updated this week, but please follow the Visual Overdose on Tumblr. Filmteractive is an international event devoted to innovative audiovisual content, such as: interactive film, cross media projects and second screen solutions. Filmteractive takes place in Lodz Film School, 25-26 Sep. 2013. The new formula of the event connects three modules: business conference (Filmteractive Conference), market of audiovisual content (Filmteractive Market) and artistic festival (Filmteractive Festival).

Filmteractive Conference will be visited by the speakers and representatives of the biggest companies and media from France, Germany, UK, Finland, The Netherlands, Israel and Poland. Filmteractive Market is the first content marketplace in Poland and Central & Eastern Europe. Eight interactive and cross media projects from Poland, Denmark, Sweden, and Estonia will pitch live in front of international producers, content buyers, and video experts. The best project will receive the HBO Award. Filmteractive Festival will feature guests from Russia, Austria, Poland and the UK. You can also listen to the authors of “The Trip”, this year's Webby Award winner in the "best use of interactive video" category.

My Presentation at FILMTERACTIVE 2013: Russian Motion Designers

The Quarterly

Founder of The Creative Book project, Sanj Sahota, who works as a designer for ORB Brand Agency UK by day, has turned to the popular crowd-funding website, to raise funds to cover printing costs for the second issue of his latest endeavour, The Quarterly Magazine, which he describes as: "A creative journal with a focus on the photographic medium which aims to do things ethically and fairly".

In October, Mr Sahota and the team will also be hosting a 3-day exhibition in London to celebrate the launch of issue 2 of The Quarterly and further promote all of their contributors exclusively featured work from the printed magazine. "We're going to put together something amazing where people can meet our talented contributors and have a chance to see all of their work up in lights. True talent deserves recognition and we want to make sure we shout about it from the rooftops."




Myosis by Gobelins students

The students of Gobelins strike again. “Myosis” is an existential love story, a lyrical tale of passion and the creative destruction sometimes necessary to stay in touch with it.

Full credits at the film’s end. Primary creators:

Emmanuel Asquier-Brassart Ricky Cometa Guillaume Dousse Adrien Gromelle Thibaud Petitpas

Vinyl Skulls by Ted Riederer

An avid lover of music and art, Ted Riederer created these skull forms by placing vinyl records atop a plaster skull mold and melting them down. The record label molds perfectly around the curvature of the frontal bone giving each skull a unique identity. The series, titled Primal Sound, "…aims to explore the symbols of music, and music communities, for their redemptive power. When I was 16, my life fell apart, I joined a band and was saved. The vinyl skulls are based on a nonfiction essay by the German poet Rainer Maria Rilke entitled ‘Primal Sound.’ In this essay he ponders what sound the coronal suture would make as it closely resembles a sound wave. He proposes that this process of combining what seems like disparate elements initially to create something that the world has never heard, is a model for making good art." –Ted Riederer


