Digital art of Joël Guzman
Working on CGA Colour Mode digital artist from Toronto Joël Guzman creates surreal scenes in Instagram format
Working on CGA Colour Mode digital artist from Toronto Joël Guzman creates surreal scenes in Instagram format
Illustrator Scott Uminga stacks hundreds layers to create vibrant landscapes and cityscapes.
Martin Wittfooth was born in 1981 in Toronto, Canada. He spent his childhood in Finland, before moving back to Canada as a teenager. Through his paintings, Martin presents a world which is dystopian by its very definition. The Earth he depicts is void of human life, and filled with strong symbolic implications that the root cause is of our own making; pricipally our disconnection from, and disrespect for, the natural world.
Caravane is a tactile creative studio based in Montreal gathering art directors and designers Jean-Constant Guigue, Francis Dakin-Côté and Frédéric Bouin. The studio’s work is characterized by a strong use of matter and finds itself at the frontier between graphic design and contemporary art.
Canadian artist living and working in Toronto Elly Smallwood creates emotional portraits and other statements on canvas using large brush strokes and graphite.
Talented Canadian photographer Blaise Misiek rooted from Poland shows off epic portfolio. We enjoyed its Still Life section the most. Below is his recent series made with stylist Chad Burton for Metal Magazine
Carolyne De Bellefeuille is an art director, designer and scenographer living and working in Montreal, Canada. Her work is based on accuracy and control of homogeneity. She worked for Hermes Paris, Samsung, SODEC, Vallée Duhamel and many other renowned companies. Follow her on Ello and Instagram as well
Queen of Double Eyes, Alex Garant (Instagram) is hailing from Quebec and now basing in Toronto. Her alla prima oil paintings offer a graphic quality combined with traditional portrait techniques. Garant uses patterns, duplication of elements, symmetry and image superposition as key elements of her imagery. Alex Garant's paintings are not far from a perfect optical illusion: her protagonists trying to escape themselves, almost possessed by a distinct version of their own individuality, an exorcism of the soul.
Camilla d’Errico is an Italo-Canadian artist who has been making waves in the fine art and comic industries with her manga-influenced style. Ever the prolific artist, Camilla is comic artist and Pop Surrealist painter
Check this beautiful series of digital illustrations made by Montreal-based artist Gabriel Levesque inspired by the saying "You are the hero of your own story" of Joseph Campbell.
View more of his works on Behance
Talented animator and designer Eoin Duffy shared with us what he think Christmas Card is. Watch "Happy Holidays" below to see Santa Claus as a sad, deluded, and possibly drunk old man who, for some tragic reason, believes he can fly
French Canadian actress and illustrator Charlotte Le Bon has a lovely portfolio full of hearty artworks ready to buy and hang on your walls
Stunning mixed media portraits from Canadian artist Tim Okamura. Okamura “investigates identity, the urban environment, metaphor, and cultural iconography through a unique method of painting – one that combines an essentially ‘realist’ approach to the figure with collage, spray paint and mixed media.”
Male model Paul Mason has travelled the world to walk haute couture runways and has worked with the some of the top minds in the fashion industry. Last year, Paul joined the Yorkdale, Toronto team for the holiday season as Fashion Santa.
"Toronto-based artist Brian Donnelly uses turpentine and hand sanitizer to melt the faces of his portraits into rainbow rivers. Inspired by an interest in human identity and vulnerability, Donnelly paints from real life, portraying features of his subjects with realistic precision. He then allows the artworks’ colors to run, distorting the portraits’ faces."via
"Canadian artist Mark Heine is working on a series of oil paintings inspired by sirens, mythical maidens of the deep. Like his subjects, which are equally beautiful and haunting creatures, Heine’s paintings embody both beauty and feelings of unease."
via Hi-Fructose