Google Project Glass

Project Glass is a new technology, one that helps you explore and share your world, putting you back in the moment. Now you information will be not only shared through desktops and mobile but directly from the human environment by using special spectacles. Project Glass is a concept of something like a Visual Apple Siri hence Siri is already working on fields, Google is just playing with huge data and information they own through Google Plus social network. But personally we like how Google made up this concept, check the video and enjoy the future (hopefully it is near)

Magnus Gjoen art

Magnus Gjoen's prints examines how to change peoples relationship and preconceived notions of objects. Something which is potentially extremely destructive can be made into beautiful yet fragile objects of art. Taking inspiration from street and pop art and juxtapositioning it with fine art, he creates new and modern takes on old masterpieces or manipulates something powerful and strong into something fragile but beautiful. Magnus Gjoen was born in London to Norwegian parents and studied design in London and Milan and works as a designer/graphic designer for Vivienne Westwood.

Experis Amsterdam 3D Projection by PostPanic

You might remember PostPanic from last OFFF festival releasing shock motion titles for it (featuring Designcollector in one inappropriate scene). Okay that was awesome artistic work and now take a look at commercial outdoors projection PostPanic did for Experis.


Client: Experis Nederland Concept & Production: PostPanic Director: Eat My Dear Executive Producer: Jules Tervoort

Audio Studio -- MassiveMusic Producer: Lodewijk Pottker

Technical Supervision: 4AV

Grégoire Alexandre photography

"Grégoire Alexandre is a French photographer, famous for his surrealist works. For many years, Grégoire has studied film. Today he takes pictures especially for fashion, advertising and working with artists and musicians, including the creation of album covers. His world is totally surreal and crazy. Here is a selection of his work to discover in this article, and more on his portfolio."


Silent World

The silence of the world, like a quotation, is suddenly endowed with an oppressive eloquence. Small intrusions are the true sparks here, because their disconcerting presence disrupts the majestic calm of the streets and squares. Are the latter guilty or victims? The fate that governs these shots in a tangible way is not the result of decisions taken by metaphysical powers, but stems uniquely from the imagination of the two creators of these photos, Lucie & Simon.

Contemporary Mythology by Caitlin Hackett

Caitlin Hackett’s artwork analyzes the boundaries that separate humans from animals. “[...] these boundaries are warped by new scientific data, mythology, history and religious beliefs alike, blurring the lines between us as science, religion and culture clash over what it is to be human, and thus, what separates us from the beasts of the wild,” states Hackett.

Illusion - Scene 360