The film directed by Tasha van Zandt is currently exhibited at SFMOMA alongside of JR’s mural. After a first mural in Les Bosquets, a neighbourhood near Paris where he has worked for many years, JR chose San Francisco. A city very rich in contrasts, whose recent history could be told in a powerful way through a mural. Since the visit of Diego Rivera in 1931, San Francisco has a long muralist tradition. The city features immense innovation and wealth as well as one of the highest rates of homelessness in the country. In, 2018, JR and his team spent a month roaming the city of San Fransisco, parking their 53' trailer truck in 24 different locations, to capture anyone who wished to participate, directly from the streets. As a result, over 1,200 people have been filmed, photographed and interviewed; each person choosing the way they are represented in the fresco.