Dmitry Maximov
Moscow based illustrator and designer Dmitry Maximov mostly known as "Tebe Interesno" have no massive updates but few new works since our last visit. The whole archive on is worth to visit
Moscow based illustrator and designer Dmitry Maximov mostly known as "Tebe Interesno" have no massive updates but few new works since our last visit. The whole archive on is worth to visit
Moscow based illustrator and designer Dmitry Maximov mostly known as "Tebe Interesno" have no massive updates but few new works since our last visit. The whole archive on is worth to visit
You may remember this indulging project STOYN of custom shaped ice-cream featuring heads of famous heroes from the world history. Along with adding new flavors and head-shapes like Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg or shapes from the famous horror movies, guys did a huge concrete ice-cream sculpture for festivals drops Sculpture of Mickey by Artem Syulev & Polinest FIRMA®FILMS Directed by Igor Shmelev
"Drawing from the perpetually revisited myth of Zeus and Danae, an installation by Vadim Zakharov in the Russian pavilion at the Venice Biennale 2013 uses consumable objects and the sequence of architectural spaces to make manifest underlying ideas about 'rudeness, lust, narcissism, demagoguery, falsehood, banality, and greed, cynicism, robbery, speculation, wastefulness, gluttony, seduction, envy, and stupidity.' the impregation of danae occurs when zeus appears to her as a golden shower after she is locked in a tower to prevent the professed death of her father. gender dynamics and the poetic cycle of gestation are reconstructed spatially with a total use of the pavilion-- a first in the history of the building. aside from providing two viewing points, the division of lower and upper chambers implicates the viewer directly in the materialization of the myth. through a large aperture in the floor a women-only space is laden with golden coins and fitted with umbrellas to shield the mechanical fall of the symbolic objects." via
I am not the only one to think about Modigliani while browsing Slava's portfolio but this is just a small reminder that first there was a big drama and now here is just a good set of artworks inspired by old masters. Originally from Southern Russia, Slava Fokk is Moscow based acclaimed artist who is saving traditions of classic painting in contemporary art.
London based graphic designer originally from Russia does a whole lot great things that can be admired on
New illustrations from young Russian illustrator Slava Nesterovю Check his works on Behance page. via
Ivan Alifan was born in 1989 and raised in Russia, now currently completing his final year at OCAD University majoring in Drawing and Painting. He participated in the Hermitage Museum residency in St.Petersburg, Russia and was a part of OCADU's Off-Campus Studies Program, studying abroad in Florence, Italy
Moscow based fashion and editorial photographer Danil Golovkin knows how to make photography appealing and mesmerizing
On the latest Behance Portfolio Reviews organized by Designcollector in Saint-Petersburg, young product designer (that's already a rare profession for Russia) Yaroslav Misonzhnikov shown us the lamp called "Ugol" (eng. "Corner"). "Plain form and performance is combined with unique mode of setting it up on a table, by the way already received a patent. All you need is a table angle and board of a standard thickness. A normal working table is usually from 1 to 2,5 cm thick. The lamp is putting on the angle and rests inclined by it’s weight, then the angle between lamp and the table depends on the thickness of the table itself. Ugol means “corner” In Russian language. The object is projected for recently founded by the designer himself Saint-Petersburg producer Imenno-design. The lamp will be realized in a limited edition and released in Saint-Petersburg and Moscow boutiques and also on-line in Imenno-design brand shop in the web."
Photos by Ksenya Malgina
"A so-simple and appealing solution to organizing the daily objects you need, Pointer Here by Anna & Maxim Maximov provides a steel ring and looped hanger as a designated spot for daily pocket items like keys, change, and smartphone, as well as a literal reminder for things you don't want to forget: a book, a power tool, you name it."
As a founder, Behance Ambassador and long supporter of Behance Creative Network in any weather, Designcollector is calling for participants to Saint-Petersburg Behance Portfolio Review on 17 May.
[box]Итак, по традиции мы собираем встречу пользователей сети Behance (Behance Russia) в Петербурге 17го Мая при условии набора 5-7 непосредственных участников показа портфолио. Принять участие в мероприятии могут графические и web-дизайнеры, при наличии своего портфолио на Behance.[/box]
В рамках встречи вы сможете: - презентовать свое портфолио, выйграть смешные медальки от Behance; - получить комментарии и оценку ваших работ от всех посетителей; - послушать и посмотреть презентации работ ваших коллег и пообщаться с ними; - получить 3 бесплатных месяца размещения своего портфолио на - поучастовать в розыгрыше годичной подписки на Adobe Creative Cloud или просто получить скидку на нее же
Portfolio Review Week – международное мероприятие от популярного сайта для дизайнеров Behance, которое проводится ежегодно. В этом году дизайнеры всего мира соберутся с 13 по 20 мая в разных точках планеты, чтобы поделиться опытом, показать свои работы и получить обратную связь от экспертов.
[box]В программе (планируется): 18:00 – 18:15 Открытие. Вступительное слово от Арсения Веснина - ex-Behance Ambassador in Russia, Designcollector Founder. 18:15 – 20:00 Обзор портфолио 5-7 дизайнеров в формате Печа-куча. Комментарии от экспертов. (Регистрация участника в комментах) 20:00 – 20:30 Голосование за понравившиеся проекты. Награждение. 20:30 – 21:00 Выступление Павла Емельянова 18:00 – 21:00 Неформальное общение ;)[/box]
Планируется интересная встреча с известным мастером айдентики Павлом Емельяновым, он расскажет о последних работах студии Эскимо:
Смотрите предыдущие встречи на сайте
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Beautiful ad spot, that is not actually an ad, but a state of art and a pure erotic aesthetics made by Karina Eibatova and Oletis for a necklace called "Easy Ease".
Photos by Masha Rastakaya
Jaw braking body calligraphy performed live in Moscow by Russian artist nicknamed Pokras Lampas, see more actions on his Facebook page (take a NSFW advise for viewing photos below)
In this project called Zero Gravity, Moscow-based photographer Nikolay Tikhomirov creates dramatic portraits that feature elegant female figures casually drifting into the air while everything around them stands still.
P.s. Time to look back on our post for Anka Zhuravleva's works that are still the hotest post on our site with few thousands of likes.
The resident of Designcollector, youngest motion designer with a rocket career I've ever known Alexey Frolov aka MrFrukta released his motion reel of 2013. Appreciate it on Behance or watch below
Moscow based branch of design agency FIRMA working mainly in music videos production released their first showreel directed by Igor Shmelev
Moscow based illustrator Jaroslava Klepikova beside developing her career as a mix of designer and illustrator, has started a courses for amateur painters Jaroom helping others to sharp their skills.
Designcollector is happy to support Aurora Fashion Week 2013 that is taking a place in Saint-Petersburg inside Russian Academy of Arts making a juxtaposition between the beauty of the last and the future. You are welcome to watch it online starting today at 19-00 GMT+4.
Photos by Arseny Vesnin @ Designcollector
С 15 по 21 апреля 2013 года в Петербурге пройдет седьмой сезон Международной Недели моды AURORA FASHION WEEK Russia. В предстоящем сезоне площадкой проведения AURORA FASHION WEEK Russia FW 2013 станет Музей Российской Академии Художеств, памятник архитектуры XVIII века, обладающий уникальным художественным собранием. Показы коллекций участников Международной Недели Моды состоятся в Тициановском и Рафаэлевском залах.
По традиции важной частью будущего сезона AURORA FASHION WEEK Russia станут показы петербургских дизайнеров. На этот раз на подиумах будут представлены коллекции Tanya Kotegova, Tatyana Parfionova, Pirosmani by Jenya Malygina, Leonid Alexeev, Igor Gulyaev, Ianis Chamalidy, Bondarev, Lilia Kisselenko, Stas Lopatkin, Razgulyaev Blagonravova и других. Будут представлены и «новые имена»: Sanan Gasanov, Liza Odinokikh, Leonid Titow. Также на подиуме в Российской Академии Художеств состоится показ Игоря Чапурина, а украинский бренд Andreeva впервые примет участие в Неделе моды. Свою коллекцию представят британский бренд Marques’ Almeida и итальянский - Gaetano Navarra. В рамках Недели пройдет презентация новой коллекции бренда Homo Consommatus, который дебютировал на AFWR 2 сезона назад. Свою коллекцию в рамках AFWR также представят и дизайнерский дуэт Osome2some.
AURORA FASHION WEEKRussia – это федеральный проект в сфере культуры и модной индустрии, проходящий при поддержке Правительства Санкт-Петербурга, Министерства культуры РФ и иностранных консульств.