Quote Unquote by Vladimir Tomin

Vladimir Tomin made his commission to SlashTHREE virtual exhibition "Quote Unquote"


[button size=big link=http://www.slashthree.com/exhibitions/17/ target=blank]Quote Unquote by SlashTHREE[/button]

[button size=small link=http://www.behance.net/gallery/Quote-Unquote/1925109 target=blank]Project on Behance[/button]

Dmitry Larin

His water-colours artworks are too cool to show you. But we share it, so please don't say later you have not seen them.

[button size=big link=http://www.behance.net/rebus target=blank]Rebus on Behance[/button]


StPete, Russia based graffiti and digital artist Wais does a huge amount of wall, canvas, street and paper artworks both for commercial and personal sides.

[button size=big link=http://www.waisone.com/ target=blank]Waisone.com[/button]

[button size=small link=http://www.behance.net/wais target=blank]Behance profile[/button]

Nikita Pirogov photography

Young award-winning photographer from Saint-Petersburg Nikita Pirogov currently exhibits in Denmark with his latest series "The Other Shore".

For me photography is an exploration of tangible things, which I take from their place in nature and make into images with their own associations, just as functional speech lies adjacent to lyrical music in the palette of sound. This process is a manifestation of all the factors of practical experience that affect our perception: climate, race, temperament, education, and many others. This process is aided by structure and composition, as well as by formal elements rooted in our biological experience.

[button size=big link=http://www.nikitapirogov.org target=blank]Nikitapirogov.org[/button]

Bigmag magazine - Characters

Our friends from Russian Coalla agency released a new copy of Bigmag magazine dedicated to Character Design. On magazine pages team spoke to Michael Mariskano about Russia and Characters, discussed the industry problems with Coalla founder Valery Golnicov. Australian photographer Jonathan May shared his experience with character role in photo story telling...

Magazine is on Russian only but anyway it is good enough to take a look :)

[button size=big link=http://bigmag.net/ target=blank]Bigmag.net[/button]

[button size=small link=http://bigmag.net/download/win/11/ color=000]Download for Win[/button] [button size=small link=http://bigmag.net/download/mac/11/ color=000]Download for Mac[/button]


TOSAY.IT is a continuation and a large update of our past projects with public text posters once created by Dopludo Collective from StPete, Russia. The main idea of the project is to explore text, streets & internet as an artistic medium, to broadcast actual ideas that are usually ignored by mass media, or to comment on the issues that seem important to put up by the author of the text. In november 2010 TOSAY.IT was exposed in Moscow's activistic art gallery at Vinzavod. In upcoming August it is going to be represented in public space in the center of Amsterdam.

