Body Painting Artist Emma Hack

POP! explores Emma's Hack fascination with the pop art genre - a fun, modern day approach into the comic-inspired work of Roy Lichtenstein. Emma's heroines are not helpless however, they are strong women.

P.s. Emma is the artist behind the famous Goyte music video and the Car Crash image made of 17 painted bodies for South Australia's Motor Accident Commission.

Laura Sweet

Garden Fresh by Agan Harahap

Indonesia-based photographer Agan Harahap made intriguing photography series titled Garden Fresh placing wild animals in supermarkets

It is like a fable about a journey undertaken by the animals when they venture into our daily lives. The animals are confronted by a new reality that is in conflict with their natural habits and habitats… The animals are stripped of their own identities and are used as empty vessels to be filled with the human drama of parody, satire and allegory. We cannot help but see animals from a human vantage point, and therefore in some sense all the works in the present exhibition are actually about us.


Sao Paulo City, Brazil based typography and illustration print artist Adhemas Batistais a self-taught digital artist that is world-renowned for his colorful and distinctive illustrative style that he brings to his projects. Batista has worked for advertising agencies, design studios and interactive shops around the world and has developed skills in creative and art direction, illustration, interactive, photography and photo manipulation.

Brendan George Ko

We want to show you "The Barking Wall" photography project made by Brendan George Ko as we think the most interesting

"I remember as a kid I used to cover my face with my hands, and peek at the world through my fingers. I could see the world, but the world couldn't see me. Nowadays I find myself assimilating with the hybrid, a creature I share a betwixt nature with, for we are both between two worlds, having multiple origins, and demand our own realm, such as a gothic castle, a tomb, or limbo to serve as a haven. I seek to create a peace with a conflict of belonging. The Barking Wall serves as a vault; a collection of visual memories that cross-pollinate with lived experience, and extended history (of past generations, oral tradition, and cinema), and spawn new hybrid moments. Applied layer after layer, these confused memories let go of specific places and time, and drift like phantoms, roaming free through the fields of imagination, meeting the visitor half-way, and letting one create their own narrative"

Shadow sculpture by Rook Floro

"My sculpture/performance piece is inspired by Carl Jung’s psychological theory about the shadow. It concerns with the repressed ideas, weakness, and desires of oneself that the conscious mind refuses to acknowledge.It represents my ‘shadow’ which involves my hidden desires to be different and become perfect in my own right. We always feel the pressure to be perfect by everything around us such as themedia, social network, advertisement, friends, and family." Check full gallery of Bangkok based sculptor Rook Floro here

Photographer Joanne Leah

"Photographer Joanne Leah works in “seduction, ritual, and tension”. Her pieces capture relationships, between two people or art and its viewer, as it alternately relaxes and strains. In the series featured in this post the angle of the light is severe recalling the chiaroscuro of baroque painting. The light, though, is cold, almost lonely, emphasizing the solitary figure in each photograph. Whether, the subject holds teeth in her palm or wields a knife a drama is clearly unfolding."

Beautiful Decay

Melting Disco Balls by Rotganzen

"These melting disco balls are the work of German collective Rotganzen. The installation, titled Quelle Fête, features scattered disco balls in various stages of melting. No longer operable or spinning, they lie lazily on the floor." Regarding the concept, Rotganzen says:“Our conscious choice of the material and form contains a contrast to the message. It’s a reminder of the momentousness of glamour and swiftly passing glory. What once may have been a perfect shape takes on a new character and meaning. However, rather than a cynical take on reality, our intention is to offer a playful approach to observing our object of depiction.”

Beautiful Decay

The Porcelain Sculptures of Kate McDowell

"In her delicate crafted porcelain sculptures conceptual artist Kate McDowell expresses her interpretation of the clash between the natural world and the modern-day environmental impact of industrialized society. The resulting works can be equal parts amusing and disturbing as the anatomical forms of humans and animals become inexplicably intertwined in her delicate porcelain forms." via Colossal