Beer Design by Constantin Bolimond
Minsk-based graphic designer Constantin Bolimond just completed the new design for Haudegen Beer including bottle and label concepts
Minsk-based graphic designer Constantin Bolimond just completed the new design for Haudegen Beer including bottle and label concepts
“If the brain has the wrong prior knowledge, our perception will be false. With modern technology we can make many novel pictures that the brain has not been designed to comprehend.
We cannot avoid having false perceptions of these pictures. One object that it is almost impossible to perceive correctly is the inside of a hollow mask of a face. When we look inside this hollow mask, we cannot help but see it as a normal convex face. Our prior belief that faces are convex and not hollow is too strong to be modified. If the mask is slowly rotating, an additional illusion is caused. Because we see the mask inverted, the tip of the nose appears to be the nearest part of the face, when it is in fact the part that is furthest away. As a result we misinterpret the movement of the mask and see the direction of the rotation reverse whenever we are looking into the hollow.”
Belarusian product designer Constantin Bolimond and character artist Vasilii Mialick created a concept of a lamp that likes noodles too much
Christmas season is starting in Northern Hemisphere brining it's joy and spicy beverages to your next door market. Even in Russia we got a reason to celebrate both Christmas Eve's - from Gregorian Calendar and original Orthodox. Here is a new concept of classic mulled wine carafe created by Russian designer Constantin Bolimond (previously). Pretty nice idea of stacked cups got a new Christmas story. Preview it on Behance
Emerging Russian industrial design talent Constantin Bolimond came up with a lamp design resembling a milk bottle. As a form follows famous Soviet milk bottle with a foil cap, it is recognisable abroad due to the fact almost everything in "soviet design" was adopted from outside.
Emerging Russian industrial design talent Constantin Bolimond came up with a lamp design resembling a milk bottle. As a form follows famous Soviet milk bottle with a foil cap, it is recognisable abroad due to the fact almost everything in "soviet design" was adopted from outside.
When life gives you a chocolate double it up. Here is a Titses Milk Chocolate project created by Constantine Bolimond with the help of Maxim Ali
Hope everyone remember drawing studies with Écorché sculpture, disgusting human without skin showing off its muscles. Designers Constantin Bolimond (Russia) and Dmitrii Pacukevich (Belarus) pay a tribute to the time spent in art schools and created clever concept of "Écorché Energy Drinks" peeling "a skin" from famous bottles like Coke, Evian and etc.