Kseniia Stavrova @orkacollective
Graphic designer and art director Kseniia Stavrova is playing a key role on multi-disciplinary Orka Collective. We share here some of her selected works taken from the bottomless portfolio

Graphic designer and art director Kseniia Stavrova is playing a key role on multi-disciplinary Orka Collective. We share here some of her selected works taken from the bottomless portfolio
Conceptual photography of Nik Mirus is characterised by a clean, graphic and colourful aesthetic. Whether collaboratively or working alone on personal projects, he enjoys the tactile and constructive aspects of studio based photography. Through the conceptualisation of images, building and lighting sets, he takes great pleasure in constructing images from the ground up.
Russian designer Slava Vovk shared his latest branding work made for NORR. It is a producer of canned seafood from Sweden, 100% natural product from the north, nothing more and nothing less. The assortment consists of large and small species of marine fish, as well as delicacies, delicious mollusks and crabs.
"NORR" in Swedish means "north", the name sets the atmosphere of minimalism, as a guide for the design of the entire packaging line.
The design and materials of the outer and inner packaging interact in contrasts. Bright outside, like a variety of marine fauna, and white inside, like frosty northern nature.
“Danish-born, London-based photographer Mads Perch is renowned for continually pushing his creative and technical limits, often using smoke, projections and unorthodox creative elements which he then feeds back into his commissioned projects giving his work a unique style and in the process beautifully blurring the lines between fine art and commercial photography.” - @trendland
Featured below is a selection of shots and a short film from his recent editorial for Nataal (@nataalmedia) a global media brand celebrating contemporary African fashion, music, arts and society.
Martine is inspired by mother nature, which is truly visible in her minimal art approach. Each piece is a unique vision of the artist, reflecting her mindset, life and aspirations. She transforms what may be considered bleak and desolate landscapes into drawings that reflect emotional content, a feeling of nostalgia and spirituality.
Interior designer Ira Lysiuk and architect Liza Nikulina share a visualisation case study realised with a painstaking attention to details, textures and pure forms.
Still Life is defined through a set of recovered broken screens of mobile phones as a reflection of the modes of production and consumption of contemporary society, where, with its accumulation and linear disposition represents a recontextualization of a consumer article when it has already fulfilled its mission and it is obsolete, useless and far from a production system, establishing a new meaning based on a narrative based on the imposing physicality of a set of broken mobile screens in front of a dematerialized society and the oppression of the digital environment and capitalism on the human being, in addition to the almost absolute and vital dependence on the daily experience of our own community.
Jorge Isla (Huesca, 1992) is a visual artist based in Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain. Since 2015, his artist practice focuses on observing and analyzing the reality and of the modes of production and consumption of contemporary society. Actually, his works is ameeting point between sculpture, videoarte and photography.
Alexis Christodoulou, a self-taught 3D artist living in Cape Town, South Africa has spent the last 6 years building a collection of works focusing on imaginary architecture. While working professionally as a copywriter for the last decade, Alexis taught himself 3D rendering as a hobby.
From a lifelong fascination of digital worlds and 3D graphics from playing video games a boy, Alexis became frustrated with the lack of modern aesthetics represented therein. The images he creates are a simple extension of this desire to see fantastic spaces come to life that echo a more modern and clean aesthetic.
Notoo Studio is an Italian creative laboratory specialized in the production of 3D and photographic images, installation and set design. Inside Art is a project that pays homage to art masters like Escher and De Chirico.
“Inside Art is an artistic project that starts from the idea of recreating a purely two-dimensional world in 3D. The concept behind it is to bring back to life the style, shapes and colors that inspired the artist, thus creating a completely conceptual space where abstract work comes into contact with design and contemporary furnishings.
We wanted to give our interpretation of the paintings of artists such as Giorgio De Chirico, Mondrian, Magritte and Giorgio Morandi, bringing their style into the world of 3D, and creating dreamlike but at the same time contemporary environments that would allow a total immersion in the world of the painters”
Photographer converted to artist Ivan Meruvan shares his passion depicted with oil on canvas. Starting from shooting nature in an abstract manner Ivan continues exploring textures and forms with unlimited expression.
I love the central library in KC because I always have loved/collected libraries: I go to one in every place I visit. They're pretty fair places. Everyone is welcomed, and we all share the same resources. They're reservoirs of culture, and the KC library is exquisite, so full of history, it's grand, it's full of different people and the quiet is so full. Finally, I love the giant slide in concourse park because it's brilliant and I take kids there all the time, and I think it's fun to try and remember how to be a kid. Oh and I love uptown arts bar because I used to sing at the open mics there and that was my introduction to a KC community, - Laura Kennedy
Not in kc: The Smokey mountains, Sumter national forest, the burren ireland. In kc st, James on troost, the slabs in Gillham park, Mattie rhodes, the central library, The giant slide in concourse park? Well I grew up in Kentucky running around in the woods, so the Smokeys and Sumter remind me of the green hills and mountains of home. There's something very comforting about being surrounded by wildness and green. You can't escape the growing things, even though there are these deep shadows. For me the South is a place of enormous tragedy but it's inseparable from my roots. For kc, I love the slabs because I lived kind of close to gillham park and we used to walk down there and have drinks and watch the sunset and marvel at the graffiti. It's a beautiful example of a neighborhood/community adapting a space.
“/ / MOVING | | GHOSTS / / is an ongoing project that I started at the beginning of 2019 where I am collaborating with people to create portraits of them in locations important to them while wearing their favorite outfit.
I ask people to wear their favorite outfit is because clothes show where that person is at that period of their life, how they feel & have been feeling. The clothes express who they want to be and in turn, give them confidence. I am interested in sharing who people are and the connection that comes with that. The catch is that they have to hide their face. I ask that people cover their face because it kills the model / identity but allows for other parts of who they are to come out in the image.
Important locations come from the idea of boudoir. Boudoir comes from the french word bouder meaning: to sulk. Historically, sulking was seen as something one would do privately, and the term bouder came to encapsulate a room where one would go to withdraw and be quietly alone. A bouder was a place of intimacy and privacy, where one could express their true selves without fear of judgment or punishment.”
“I usually do Barnes and noble or level one at the river market It’s where I go to find solice. Manga and stuff like dnd is a healthier escape from my anxiety than drugs or alchohol Yeah through drugs and alcohol but that turned dark fast so now I run dnd games and make my own stories and when I’m done with school I wanna travel. It’s more life is mundane and I want to adventure. That’s actually why I model I wanna travel to all the fashion capitals and get paid for it”, - Chance
“I’ve tried to think about it a lot! But I love nature, I have a bunch of plants. I think the path that I’ve been going in, I end up growing in different aspects. I can only imagine that being reciprocated visually through nature. I believe life is a simulation”, - Victoria
St. James is incredibly diverse, open-minded and social justice oriented. It is a church focused primarily on people, which gives me a great deal of hope. It's also just an incredibly happy place. Mattie Rhodes is where I work, and I think it's the happiest place on earth. It's three floors of recycled/donated art supplies and decades of children's artwork.
Checkout Zero is an anti-consumerist visual tale by French photographer Pol Kurucz . In a not so distant future when all, even the soul is on sale, eccentric cashiers interact with peculiar products of a factory-like supermarket. Through visual allegories and pop aesthetics each female protagonist uses their singularities to provoke us and challenge wild capitalist, gender and aesthetic norms. Checkout Zero was shot in Sao Paulo with local models and queer artists. The series mixes fine art and fashion elements and features creations from local brands.
Talented Mr.Frukta, one of our earlier collaborator and motion design youngest star, released his new showreel summing up a decade of a personal career
El Greco, Salvador Dalí and Egon Schiele went in to the bar and met Hana Ju depicting the madness of real world in a way she got blood mix from all of them.
“I looked at myself on the canvas, painted with different colors, and I faced the courage that I still could not get through. I decided to subtract a lot of the rhetoric that I used to express myself. I pulled away from the bubbles and decoration which was on me, just me being myself, I took out the colors on my canvas to meet my raw self. Through this series of processes, I tried to look at myself, who was in a deeper place, that I ignored, as who I am. I want to accept it. I believe that my gaze will be able to face others without judging, and accept them as who they are.”
Danielle Orchard is a New York-based painter zooming on the female universe. Her abstract art, at times, evokes associations with cubism – the subject makes the difference
Talented animator and graphic designer from Barcelona, David Pocull shares his latest experiments
“In the industrial city of Genk in Belgium, a kilometer of steel corridors was constructed to form a mechanical-look maze at a former coal mine. The installation titled Labyrinth is created as a spiral experience by Gijs van Vaerenbergh in collaboration with the Belgium architect Pieterjan Gijs and Arnout Van Vaerenbergh.
The labyrinth contains various openings and perspectives throughout the maze and makes the viewer experience an ever-changing relationship with the surrounding urban environment.” via @trendland
The essence of being a creative professional is the ‘Art of Freestyle.’ This for Munky (GMUNK or Bradley G Munkowitz) means delving deep into the PsyMunk and finding those symmetries of craft and fruition that make the passion stream with inspired output. The Mathographics series is a culmination of that research, the purity and fabric of graphic design infused with optical distortions and anomalies to create statements of immersive intent and perpetual translation. The series first takes form as a series of kaleidoscopic movements, sequenced together into a short film scored and edited by frequent collaborator CallMeClark.
Find more on Behance
Teo & Carlos (very well) known as DVEIN dropped an experimental animation we believe they did during quarantine. “We've been playing, messing and having fun with flamingos for a while. We love them, but we love even more experimenting with them. This is an ongoing experiment and DVEIN VS FLAMINGOS is a collection of these animation experiments that we've crafted with Banjo Soundscapes as partners in crime.”