360° Book by Yusuke Ono

At first glance a traditional-looking palm-sized volume, 360° Book by Yusuke Ono (Noiz Architects partner) opens full-circle, transforming into a modern diorama. The book was the winner of the You Fab 2012 laser cutter design contest, based in Tokyo. Speaking about the project Yusuke said, "I am so thrilled to have been selected as the winner of the Free Fab category for You Fab 2012. I like finding new ways to express dimension, and it occurred to me to create this palm-sized book that opens out to form a 3D world. I hope that everyone who opens the book enjoys it and is surprised by the dramatic transformation."

Yes, I was also looking for a video :)

ARART - Augment Reality in Art Gallery

Augmented Reality continues to seep into popular culture, this installment the ARART iPhone app by Kei Shiratori, Takeshi Mukai & Younghyo Bak. The Japanese artist collective brings famous artwork to virtual life via point-and-see animation. Paintings like the Mona Lisa and album art like Radiohead's Kid A come to life, nodding and spinning when viewed through the filter of the iPhone screen.


You can try to experiment with images in the post by downloading ARART app from here

Or use the link http://arart.info/museum/

Kashiwa Sato iPad Portfolio

We spotted Kashiwa Sato flash website five years ago and it is still an example of Japanese way to organize information. This time he is back to shock us with new iPad experience. Check his Portfolio application or watch the video below http://itunes.apple.com/app/kashiwasato.com/id502367977 http://kashiwasato.com/


Particles, Light Installation

From Description: An illumination installation of seemingly floating lights that create a fantastic afterimage, this work centers around an organically spiral-shaped rail construction on which a number of balls with built-in LEDs are rolling while blinking in different time intervals, resulting in spatial drawings of light particles in all kinds of shapes. The illumination's three-dimensional design, achieved through a fusion of the rail construct's characteristic features and communication control technology, takes on various appearances depending on the viewer's position. This installation combines generally entertaining ideas and sophisticated information technology in everything from LED devices and other hardware to programming. More info: http://particles.ycam.jp/en/


Lacquered Paper Objects by Nendo

Awesome example of Japanese object design as a pure state of art. Lacquered paper-objects by Nendo A small container created using a 3D printer that cuts, stacks and pastes sheets of paper one by one. We finished the surface with lacquer. The lacquer adhered thickly to the edges of the accumulated paper, and pulled at the paper's surface, resulting in a mysterious texture like wood grain.

Satoshi Minakawa Dekochari & Dekotora

Briefly "Dekocahri" is overdecorated bikes in Japan and "Dekotora" is same for large trucks - the field for chrome and lights. Japan fashion and editorial photographer Satoshi Minakawa, Intersection Magazine and the theprintspace galleries team up to create "Customized" exhibition featuring this Japanese trend. Don't miss a video from exhibition opening.

Sagaki Keita

Sagaki Keita ruins the famous saying "Less is more" by creating illustrations of classic Ancient Greek sculpture by using a small drawing objects mostly cartoons and Japanese characters. This is kind of patient perfectionist sitting inside him.

[button size=big link=http://sagakikeita.com target=blank]Sagaki Keita[/button]

Seikou Yamaoka touch digital portraits

Using just his finger tips and a cheap application, Seikou Yamaoka carefully builds up strokes of colour on the iPod Touch 3.5-inch screen over several hours. He says his goal is to produce images that look more like watercolour paintings than digital artworks.

via Daily Telegraph


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