I love this project just because I run Win 3.11 in childhood in favor of DOS Games only because of Solitaire, Golf and Paintbrush studies."A simple piece of software got us through the dark ages of computing before the Internet allowed us to waste company time more effectively. Now you can reconnect with this old friend on the other side of the computer screen. Solitaire.exe is a physical pixel-for-pixel recreation of the popular computer card game included in the Windows 98 operating system."
Evan Roth is an interaction designer whose work is in the permanent collection of The Museum of Modern Art and has received numerous awards, including the Design Museum London’s Design of the Year. Many of Roth’s works include the image of a pack of playing cards featured in solitaire.exe which came bundled in old Microsoft systems. As an exclusive collaboration with the Cooper-Hewitt, Evan Roth has created an actual deck of Solitaire.exe playing cards, faithfully and ironically replicated, right down to the pixilation. Each pack of playing cards in this limited edition of 500 is signed and numbered by Evan Roth (they are all sold out).