
Lumi is a design team pioneering the Lumi Process, a revolutionary photographic print process for textiles and natural materials. They are taking photography out of the darkroom by using sunlight to make durable prints on sustainable materials. Check the video and interior design examples.

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Vasilj Godzh illustrations

Skilled and gifted Russian artist Vasilj Godzh shows of his latest artworks

[button size=big link= target=blank]Vasilj on Behance[/button]

[button size=big link= target=blank]Vasilj on Behance[/button]

Alcoholic artworks

"The colourful pictures in this gallery are close-up shots of alcoholic drinks, taken by Florida State University's chemistry department. Drinks such as wine and vodka were placed under a microscope to reveal images of the crystallised sugar. Magnified up to 1,000 times under a high tech laboratory lens, each crystal is different - like a snowflake." via DT also check Bevshots for full collections of this.

Guy Laramee art

Guy Laramée is a true post-digital renaissance artist. Being an interdisciplinary artist found his way through such varied and numerous disciplines as a stage writer, director, composer, a fabricator of musical instruments, a singer, sculptor, painter and writer. Focusing on his sculptural works there are two series of carved books art - Biblios and The Great Wall. Both a worth to check online or on our gallery.

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Remake by Booooooom

"Remake" was an open competition organized by Adobe and Booooooom portal. The idea behind was simple, participants were requested to remake famous fine art or photography masterpiece. The submissions were awesome, and now take a look at ten finalists. My favourite work is “The Ship” Salvador Dali remake by Justin Nunnink (yes, I am Dalinian).

You can vote for the best remake on Facebook

P.s. the work in a post thumbnail falls out finalist but we like it too - Rodchenko remake made by Giuseppe Roccasanta.

Cardinal Sin by Banksy

"Banksy just placed a new sculpture, Cardinal Sin, at Walker Art Gallery in Liverpool, England. The piece, made in response to the child abuse scandals that the church seems to be known for these days, features a face taken off and replaced by blank bathroom tiles. Banksy noted in a statement, ":I'm never sure who deserves to be put on a pedestal or crushed under one." The sculpture sits next to religious works dated from the 17th Century." says Juxtapoze

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Kyle Bean

Brighton based designer and magician Kyle Bean creates "is this photoshoped?" trends with handmade "non-objects". His latest work is a series of weapons made from harmless materials for a feature article in CUT Magazine centred around the topic of 'Guerilla Gardening' and 'Yarn Bombing'. Photography by Sam Hofman

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Cinescape + Filmography 2011

Two awesome video compilations by Matt Shapiro, “2011: The Cinescape” and from Anschluss Genrocks “Filmography 2011" recap the year in motion movies. Perfectly mixed and sound made both videos please.

The Cinescape 2011 “2011: The Cinescape recaps the year in film with some outstanding editing as well as excellent voiceover placement, making this one of that you just have to watch”

Filmography 2011 “A 230-film retrospective that celebrates this year’s movies and their amazing capacity to transport us through the boundaries of space, time, and identity.”

Zach Johnsen illustration

Portland based artist and illustrator Zach Johnsen famous for his Zenvironments project where he releases inner or whatever beauty hand drawn monsters on paper. But speaking about his portfolio we dig a series of "Acid over Easy" illustrations.. really blowing a head off.

[button size=big link= target=blank]Zach Johnsen[/button]

Sagaki Keita

Sagaki Keita ruins the famous saying "Less is more" by creating illustrations of classic Ancient Greek sculpture by using a small drawing objects mostly cartoons and Japanese characters. This is kind of patient perfectionist sitting inside him.

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El Mac

Miles "Mac" MacGregor is a LA based graffiti and mural artist. He began painting with acrylics and painting graffiti in the mid ’90s, and has since worked consistently towards mastering his signature portrait style. He has since been commissioned to paint murals across the US, as well as in Mexico, Denmark, Sweden, Canada, South Korea, Belgium, Italy, The Netherlands, Puerto Rico, Spain, France, Singapore, Germany, Ireland, and Vietnam.

Some of his murals have become local landmarks, especially his collaborations with Retna, which combine Mac’s representational figures with Retna’s abstract lettering and designs. Mac continues to focus primarily on creating more public art in different parts of the world, painting photorealistic canvases, and evolving his brushwork style.

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Michael Peck art

"Michael Peck’s artistic practice is concerned with the sensation of disorientation and dislocation that is often felt within the post modern world. Exploring issues regarding the loss of cultural identity, his work particularly focuses on the effects within minority groups and individuals existing on the fringe who are challenged to assimilate within the larger community."

[button size=big link= target=blank]Michael Peck art[/button]

BHSAD Students Challenge by Designcollector


Collaboration between Moscow based British Higher School Of Art & Design and Designcollector Network (DCN).

Students from Interactive and New Media design courses. Tutor: Dmitry Karpov

BHSAD tutor Dmitry Karpov and Designcollector founder Arseny Vesnin challenged Interactive & New Media course (aka "Interactopus") students to come up with a visual interpretation for Designcollector's digital culture values. The results trespass the bounds of a figurative graphic design and touch the cutting edge of digital art.

This is a first step in a partnership between leading Russian design media and institution.

[button size=big link= target=blank]View and appreciate full BHSAD+DCN challenge on Behance[/button]

Jorge Colombo iPhone Art

Lisbon born US artist Jorge Colombo has worked as an illustrator, as a photographer, and as a graphic designer. His cover illustration for the June 1, 2009 issue of The New Yorker was the first one created on an iPhone for a major magazine. Later he released a book "New York: Finger Paintings by Jorge Colombo," containing one hundred landscapes created on an iPhone.

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