Hvass & Hannibal Design Studio

Hvass&Hannibal is a multi-disciplinary arts and design studio based in Copenhagen. Since 2006, its founders, Nan Na Hvass & Sofie Hannibal have worked in close collaborative partnership with illustrative and conceptual design in a number of different fields for numerous clients in Europe, Asia and the US. http://www.hvasshannibal.dk/

Peter Ravn

Peter Ravn is a Danish painter. He holds a degree in architecture and design from the Danish Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen. Before his debut as an artist, he was a central figure in the Danish field of design and music with his work on design and visual identity, as record cover and poster designer and as a director of music videos.He was behind a string of remarkable Danish record sleeves and a pioneer of the Scandinavian music video. Through the 80s and 90s he developed groundbreaking and visually experimenting work for many of the biggest names in Scandinavian rock and pop. In the 90s Ravn was the architect behind the fashion project DEMOCRATS characterised by T-shirts with conceptual graphic designs boasting philosophical, political and often controversial slogans. Around the millennium Ravn began to paint.

Text by Eye See Hue