Reey Whaar illustrations
Russian illustrator working under name of Reey Whaar (Behance) has updated portfolio with new watercolours worth to see.
Russian illustrator working under name of Reey Whaar (Behance) has updated portfolio with new watercolours worth to see.
Awesome motion work produced by Dima Grubin (Vimeo) "Metamaterials are artificial materials engineered to have properties that may not be found in nature."
China based Russian artist - Artaksiniya has awesome fashion illustrations loaded on personal and behance websites
Independent Russian young director, post-production specialist and photographer Andrey Nikolaev mainly works for fashion industry. His latest motions made for jewelry designer Gabilo (read more about Gabilo on our Fashioncollector). You can watch Andrey's fashion videos under the cut.
Gifted graphic designer Daria Goryacheva recently released a clean and nice food magazine design.
Russian multitouch design and research oriented studio Interactive Lab worked for Yota Space International festival of audio-visual art in St. Petersburg later 2010. Unique navigation multitouch wall was constructed for that event. The surface let do the search and navigation for participants and other installations of this event and also revealed schedule of an educational programmes and uncommon style music performances of that days. (Read more about Yota Space) Check Interactive Lab's video and photos under the cut.
Super awesome Russian motion designer and forward thinking person Max Zhestkov released a new motion piece for German VIVA Channel, forming their rebranding in a new fresh way.
Stunning motion piece "Core" made in our self-named trend "Fidget noir" made by awesome Russians "Selfburning" that will break your brains with the motion stuff they have under the hood.
Талантливые ребята из Bigmag выпустили новый номер журнала, где пообщались с создателем Behance Network и многими другими интересными людьми.
Bigmag: "Создатель Скотт Бельски рассказал нам, как создавался проект. Еще мы поболтали с художником из Ирландии Крисом Хагтоном, немного пофилософствовали с Мистером Фрименом и запустили новые рубрики. Качайте, листайте, будет весело!"
Alexander Kalachev is a multi-disciplinary designer focused on developing visual identities for event industry. He has collaborated locally and cross world with other strong names of graphic design like David Waters or Archan Nair. Also together with famous Russian illustrator Evgeny Kiselev, Alex leads a project "Sweet Content" building a community of designers and establishing different collaborations with them.