Ron Mueck "Mass" Large-scale Skull Installation
As part of NGV Triennial, twenty large-scale new artworks have been commissioned by the NGV, including Ron Mueck’s Mass 2016–17, a monumental work of extraordinary presence comprising 100 individual skulls.
Photo by Sean Fennessey
"Mass" is an installation of 100 individual human skull forms piled up on the gallery floor, each which engage with the architecture of the site.
Photo by Sean Fennessey
"The installation brings to mind the massed remains in the catacombs of Paris, an imposing wall of human heads that resonates with a simultaneous and strange sense of impermanence and eternality. In ‘Mass’, Mueck celebrates the form that links all humanity and pays homage to a symbol that has stood within the art of essentially all cultures and religion. surrounded by skulls covering nearly every surface of the walls, visitors are reminded of the transience of life" via designboo