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“It started in early 2015. As it usually happens with artists, Nick had dozens of ideas, a huge inspiration and motivation, but  still had to go to his regular job.

The salvation came in the form of lentils, unexpectedly. He has been scrolling his Instagram feed and saw a weird, but remotely familiar art piece - lenticular print. And the strongest insight has happened. From this point, Fraktality Big Journey took its start. Lenticular technology has become the basic Fraktality Team feature. Sure thing, it allows to achieve the truly psychedelic and mind blowing visual effect in real life, since the artists can insert up to 50 frames of animation under the special plastic. The core idea is to create harmless visual psychedelics. Some people say Fraktality art may even provoke an epileptic seizure, so strong its’ influence on the people’s mind. And we can’t disagree.”

Fraktality is a living organism, which is spread all around the world, amazing partnerships with such persons as Eddie Alcazar, Maalavidaa, Brizbazaar,Salvi Droid, Ivimoart, Youhodler, UnityNetwork, Brockhofer, Marwan Shahin, Burgandy Viscosi, StickerSavage, Sid Wilson from Slipknot,Samuel Farrand, Bangeroo, Mifsudvision, Alexsmeat,Bucwah,Callifinkart also artists who has been successfully taught to work in lenticular technology.