Ello x Digital Decade: Winners
Digital Decade 5: Cyberia
To deliver the 5th Annual Digital Art Comepetition we teamed up with the leading Creative Platform ELLO and together with Curioos.com invited artists to create an art piece reflecting the Main Theme of Digital Decade 5 Exhibition "Cyberia - The Unknown Territories Shape by the Digital Ethnos"
Nearly 300 Artists have challenged their inner creativity at the Ello x Digital Decade open call last month. We have selected a Shortlist of 60+ artworks and together with 20 members of Jury announcing now the 10 best works that will join our exhibition in London next month
Winners of the Digital Decade 5
Alexy Préfontaine
"This submission is another representation of the way I see the future. We will probably be more and more focused on ourselves, living in our own bubble, thanks to the tremendously growing presence of the Internet and social medias. I feel like even though we might be more connected than ever, we might also be more and more isolated. The cloth on the person represents our future isolation and the way we might not face our forthcoming problems. The pixel sorting visual in the background represents the greater presence of technology in our future"
Marcel Lisboa
"We're living in a time where the information come and go fast and the digital tools are countless. A reflection I make is that the digital means come to improve us uniting the environmental, the way we're communicate and our health to this new era"
Cy Tone
THE DIGITAL SIN - /ðiː//ˈdɪdʒɪtəl//saɪn/
"My work represents the metaphor of the original sin...
...but inserted into our temporal context... the apple in the centre like new "digital sin"... We have made a lot of progress in the technology field, but these did not serve to create a world of peace and prosperity… We use technology to create wars and situations of social discomfort… Not for the wellbeing of the planet and living beings… We now do not deserve to live in the paradise of the future… I hope that in the next 20 years we will be good at using our capabilities for a better place to live..."
Davy Evans
The Otherside
"A collage piece created by photographing oil spills on a macro level and merging them together to create a scene. The image shows the continuous generation of new ideas / forms and technologies which eventually become a distant emergence. New ideas and worlds are continuously emerging and shifting from abstract ideas.
I'm interested in the idea that we are seduced by oil on many levels in todays society, represented by its beautiful but dark colour pallet"
Alice Conisbee
"Inspired by the way in which 3D printing can be used to create human organs, as well as the development of robotic prosthetics. I think it's interesting to consider how these techniques will have evolved even further in the future, and how they can benefit humanity"
Fill Ryabchikov
Prey to Digital Egregore. Baptised by data stream.
Emmanuel Achusim
The box is an image created for the digital decade movement, it emphasizes on the loneliness that the digital age has brought upon most of us, even if it does not feel that way at times we are often literally looking into one box or the other, be it our phones or our computers which limits most peoples actual physical social life opposed to what it could have been if they were not born in this digital decade.
Karen Rodrigue
Hungry Soul
"How is it that my love for you seems to grow and shrink in a matter of seconds. How fast time feels now the older we get, the more we are aware of our surroundings. How is it that your touch can turn so cold. Is it me projecting a growth or is it just the passing of time"
Elena Kulikova
Visiting the Fourth Dimension in the near #Future
Daina Hodgson
Surveillance, Subversion, Manipulation. What is real? The viewer inserts their story over the image.
Congratulations to the 10 Cyberians!
They will join 25+ Selected Artists (more info on Digital Decade Blog) at London Exhibition
25 - 27 August, Tanner st. 47/49
This is not all, folks!
Please check the website to find VR and Video Art challenges