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TOCA ME 2020

TOCA ME Design Con­fer­ence will take place on Saturday 7th March 2020 at Alte Kongress­halle in Munich. One day full of inspiration, from graphic design, illustration and typography to creative coding, net art and artificial intelligence.

Confirmed artists and speakers are: Yuko Shimizu (@yukoart) + Joëlle Snaith (@joellesnaith) + MATES (@mates_muenchen) + Brendan Dawes (@brendandawes) + Ariane Spanier (@arianespanier) + Rosa Kammermeier (@rosa_kammermeier) + Rafael Bernardo (@rafael.bernardo_) + Erik Kessels (@kesselskramer) PLUS A LOT MORE


Inspired by the vibrant online design com­mu­nity in the early 2000s, TOCA ME started as design plat­form on the inter­net, pub­lish­ing their own art projects and show­casing some of the most cre­ative heads in the global design scene.

After visiting design festivals in Europe and Asia, and being over­whelmed by the cre­ativ­ity and positive vibe, they decided to start their own event in Munich. The con­fer­ence was born - the first TOCA ME Design Con­fer­ence took place in 2004.

TOCA ME is Spanish and means 'touch me'. From getting in touch with people, to touch someone on an emo­tion­al level as well as in the lit­eral sense. Touching as the ulti­mate form of communication. 

In 2003, after several years in the ad­ver­tis­ing and design industry, Nina Steenackers, Thorsten and Ron Iberl teamed up and founded the TOCA ME design studio in Munich.