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Reconciliation by Emma Elliott

Reconciliation is a sculpture work by British artist Emma Elliott which forms part of an ongoing project whose starting point was a visit to the Holocaust History Museum in Jerusalem in 2012. 

Reconciliation reflects on the connection between atrocities past and present. Through the careful arrangement of iconic imagery, the project confronts head on the contemporary overexposure and indifference to conflict and brutality. By exposing lessons unlearned the project looks unflinchingly at the fallibility of humankind and asks what morality is in today’s society.

The digital edition of Reconciliation created specially for Sedition, derives from a sculpture inspired by two seemingly divergent yet iconic historical milestones: the Holocaust and the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Elliot positions two outstretched arms starkly against a backdrop, which fades in and out of recognisable natural surfaces, from moss to pebbles to coals.

When you purchase a digital copy of the video from Sedition all benefits goes to Holocaust Educational Trust

Photo by Nadia El