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Sponsor: Fotolia TEN Collection Season 3 Overview

Our friends and hosting-partners Fotolia are summing up the year of TEN Collection Season 3. Season 3 of the TEN Collection was quite the challenge. "After the phenomenal success of Season’s 1 and 2, we asked ourselves how could we maintain your interest in the project, and keep pushing the skill sets of not only the artists featured, but also our community, whom this project has always been about?" [twocol_one] Sharing, creativity, worldwide influences, graphic inspiration and education were always at the heart of the project. Keeping these core principles, we decided we had to shake up the concept to maintain the high level of interest and participation. We started with introducing an extra creative ingredient to the mix: photography. Then, we blended the 2014 batch of TEN talents following a new recipe: we had graphic designers and photographers work together in the planning, design and production stages in five exclusive duets throughout the year. [/twocol_one][twocol_one_last] As an added twist, we paired them from different countries, to incorporate a variety of international trends, and set upon the overall theme of ‘The Future’, from which every artist partnership could unwind a specific creative topic. We saw from your massive support worldwide all along the year that, the challenge was met. Here’s a quick overview for you to enjoy once more the exclusive 2014 TEN art gallery: [/twocol_one_last]

fotolia-ten2014-eric-mike-0 The first duet entitled ‘Creating her own Future’ was the work of Canadian photographer Eric Pare (who specialises in light painting) and US digital artist Mike Campau, offering a very tender insight on the next generations.

fotolia-3-lucia-mateusz-1 May’s ‘Clean inside’, by Lucia Giacani, a celebrated Italian fashion photographer and Poland’s digital artist Mateusz Chmura, was a critical position on the increasing monitoring we are (willingly?) submitting ourselves to.

fotolia-july-1 German photographer Paul Ripke and British digital artist Nik Ainley collaborated on a futuristic and offbeat view of Hamburg, “Surf in the city”. Following on two months later was ‘Energy of Life’: this was the work of Spanish photographer Mikel Muruzabal and French digital artist Christophe Huet, who warn us on the danger of standardization on Mankind.


The Season finished in November following on from the release of ‘Future Shangri-La’, the collective work of Japanese Concept Artist INEI Studio and Korean photographer Mi-Kyung Kim who gifted us with a poetic vision of a future peaceful Eden.


The range of talent showcased in Season 3 has been mind-blowing and every individual was able to bring a skill or mindset (or both!) to the table in order to broaden all of our artistic as well as technical development.

The TEN artists and jury were equally as praiseful about the high level of talent that was displayed by the entrants to our TEN Contests, which ran after every PSD release.

We’d love to take this opportunity to once again thank all those who’ve followed the TEN Collection Season 3! Whether you’ve downloaded the free PSDs, entered the competitions or just admired from social media we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did and we look forward to you joining us on our next creative journey!

Stay tuned for future announcements in regards to our next projects on the Fotolia and TEN Facebook pages, Twitter and G+.